The 2nd Vulnerable Patient Satellite Symposium
Annual Scientific Conference of the American College of Cardiology 2004

The National Screening for Heart Attack Prevention and Education (SHAPE) Program
Welcome and Introduction to the SHAPE Initiative
Morteza Naghavi, M.D.- AEHA, Houston, USA
Opening Remarks:
James T. Willerson, M.D. – President, University of Texas at Houston,USA
The Time Has Come to Establish a National Screening Program for Identification of Vulnerable Patients
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Transcript (PDF)
Session I

P.K. Shah, M.D. – Cedars Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, USA

George Diamond, M.D.– Cedars Sinai/UCLA,Los Angles, USA
Eugene Braunwald, M.D. – Harvard Medical School, Boston,
Topic: “Approach to Identifying and Managing Coronary Risk”
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Transcript (PDF)
Douglas Zipes, M.D. – Indiana University, Indianapolis, USA
Screening for Vulnerable Myocardium:What are Preceding Triggers of a Fatal Arrhythmia?
Video (View) PowerPoint Slides (Download)
Transcript (PDF)

Valentin Fuster, M.D., Ph.D. – Mount Sinai Hospital, New York, USA
CT / MRI for Risk Stratification and Identification of the Vulnerable Patient
Video (View)
Transcript (PDF)

John Rumberger, M.D., Ph.D. – The Ohio State University, Columbus, USA
EBCT: The Most Powerful Screening Test for the Imaging Section of the VP Pyramid
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Transcript (PDF)
Patrick Serruys, M.D., Ph.D. – Thorax Center, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Multi-Slice CT and IVUS; A Perfect Combination for Screening Symptomatic Vulnerable Patients
(Case Presentations from the Thorax Center)
Video (View)

Session II

Robert Schwartz, M.D.– Minneapolis Heart Institute, Minneapolis, USA

Peter Stone, M.D. – Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA
Robert Vogel, M.D. – University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, USA
Topic: Endothelial Dysfunction; A Subclinical Marker and Strong Predictor of Cardiovascular Events
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Transcript (PDF)

Wolfgang Koenig, M.D., Ph.D. – University of Ulm, Ulm, Germany
Topic:CRP, LP-PLA2, and other Serum Markers of Disease and Vulnerability
Video (View) PowerPoint Slides (Download)
Transcript (PDF)

Attilio Maseri, M.D. – Universita Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milan, Italy
Topic:Clinical Characteristics of Pre-Symptomatic Vulnerable Patients; Are There Different Types?
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Transcript (PDF)

Discussion Panel
Moderator: Morteza Naghavi, M.D. – AEHA,Houston, USA
Topic: An Integrated and Cost-Effective Approach to Screening: Is it possible?

Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Screening- Presenter 1
Leslee J. Shaw, Ph.D– Cardiovascular Research Institute, Atlanta, USA

Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Screening- Presenter 2
Allen Taylor M.D.–Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington, USA

Screen for Risk Markers Not Risk Factors – Following the Hypertension Model

Jagat Narula, M.D., Ph.D – University of California Irvine, Orange, USA

AEHA appreciates the generous support from sponsors of the Symposium
in particular Pfizer Inc.
Other sponsors: GlaxoSmithKline, GE Amersham Health,CV Therapeutics, and diaDexus
Special thanks to Drs Michael Jamieson(Pfizer) and Krishna Sudhir (diaDexus) for their support and advice.
See you on November 6th at the 3rd Vulnerable Patient Satellite Symposium AHA 2004
Hilton Riverside, New Orleans
©2004 Association for Eradication of Heart Attack – AEHA. All Rights Reserved.