The SHAPE Trial Advisory Meeting – Part II
A satellite event in conjunction with
2015 Annual Scientific Sessions of American Heart Associations
November 9th, 7-9PM, Rosen Plaza Hotel, Orlando, FL
7:00 PM
Opening: Morteza Naghavi, M.D.
Founder and Executive Chairman of SHAPE
Daniel Berman, M.D.
Director of Cardiac Imaging and of Nuclear Cardiology at Cedars-Sinai,
Los Angeles, CA
Mathew Budoff, M.D.
Professor of Medicine and Director of Preventive Cardiology, UCLA Harbor, Los Angeles, CA
Summary of Part-I SHAPE Trial Advisory Meeting
(Design and Fundraising)
David Maron, M.D. Morteza Naghavi, M.D.
1- ROBINSCA original
2- Modified ROBINSCA with a CAC zero subgroup to test “Power of Zero”
4- Modified PRECISION with a CAC zero subgroup to test “Power of Zero”
5- HRP / BioImage? Google Baseline? VIEW? or a completely new study design?
Design and Implementation of ROBINSCA
(Risk of Benefit in Screening for Cardiovascular Disease
H.J. de Koning, M.D., Ph.D. and Matthijs Oudkerk, M.D., Ph.D.